The worlds first change control system
The lix change control system allows storing, tracking, querying, and reviewing changes in different file formats, e.g. .xlsx, .sqlite, or .inlang.
Tracks changes
Lix provides change control for every file stored in lix.
File agnostic
Lix can understand any file format with the help of plugins.
Designed to build apps
Lix enables file-based apps with change control features.
Enabled by change control
The possibility to track and query changes is the foundation for many features.
- Sync & async workflows
- Change proposals
- Review changes
- Build pipelines
- Validation rules
Change Graph
- Traceability
- Auditing
- Recovery
How to experience the system?
Change control can be accessed in file-based applications that are already built on Lix or the Lix File Manager, which can track changes of conventional files.
Get change control in your CSV file editor.
Take notes and collaborate with change control.
Collaborate on translations with change control.
Build your own apps with the Lix SDK to access change control features.
Coming soon
How is it different from my current file-sharing solution?
Your current file-sharing solution may show which of your colleagues made the last change to a file, but you don't know what changed, what the previous version was and what the context of the changes was.
How does it compare to versioning I know from other apps?
There are apps with versioning, but in many cases, they only save versions of the entire project at specific points in time. Lix tracks and understands the context of every change in a file, giving you more context and allowing you to set automations. Furthermore, Lix provides a generalized system that allows all files and apps to work together.
Is lix replacing git?
No. Lix is designed to change control non-text files and build apps, not version source code.
"Every work that we create, every time we collaborate, everything we automate, it revolves around changes. A system, that can understand changes and inform you about that these changes happened, means that you have a system to collaborate, validate, automate and create."
Samuel Stroschein, Founder of Opral (lix & inlang)